Giriş Son Güncelleme: 2022-09-06

CEPA Test API çok çeşitli kod işlemlerini programlı olarak yürütmenize olanak tanır. Bu kılavuzda, API ile ilgili en önemli kavramları, kimlik doğrulama talimatlarını ve bazı kısa kod örneklerini içeren bir hızlı başlangıç bölümü bulacaksınız.


API'yi kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken gereken birkaç temel kavram vardır:

  • Endpoint'leri çağırabileceğiniz,
  • İsteklerin yanıt yapısı,

API'nin nasıl çalıştığı hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.


Kimlik doğrulama için API Key yöntemini kullanmanız gerekmektedir. Bu API anahtarı, hangi kuruma bağlanmak istediğinizi belirlemek ve kimlik bilgilerini kontrol etmek adına yaptığınız her istek için kullanılacaktır.

Kimlik doğrulaması için API erişim anahtarınızı almak için:
1 CEPA Test Company modülüne giriş yapın,
2 Sol menüden API sayfasına gidin ve aşağıdaki gibi API erişim anahtarınızı görüntüleyin.
3 Açılan pencereden Click to view tıklayın.


1 AssignTestByEmail metodu için test_type parametresinde güncelleme yapıldı. Adaya tüm testler tanımlanmak isteniyorsa test_type parametresi "0" olarak gönderilmelidir. (03.06.2022)
2 GetOverallResultByPDF metodu için opsiyonel overall_id parametresi eklendi. Opsiyonel olarak overall_id kullanılması halinde overall_id ile gruplanmış testleri getirecektir.(06.09.2022)
3 GetOverallResultByPDF metodunda adayların test grupları için oluşturulan overall_id aday bazında benzersiz olacak şekilde yapısı güncellenmiştir. (28.03.2023)
4 AssignTestByEmail metoduna notes parametresi opsiyonel olarak eklenmiştir. Bu parametre ile test davet emaillerinde adaylara özel not iletimi yapılabilecektir. (05.04.2023)



  • reports boolean
    Adayın sonuçlarının yanı sıra raporlarını ve ifadelerini de çağırır
    Varsayılan: false
  • sort string
    Ascending/Descending sıralama
    Varsayılan: DESC
  • limit int64
    Döndürülecek kayıt sayısı
    Varsayılan: 10
  • offset int64
    Döndürülecek kayıtların başlangıç noktası
    Varsayılan: 0

Bu metotla kurum adına teste katılan/tamamlayan tüm adayların bilgisi çekilebilmektedir. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

    "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetCandidates",
    "login": true,
    "issuer": "TEST COMPANY",
    "count": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "candidates": {
        "[email protected]": [
                "ID": "*******1234",
                "name": "Test",
                "lastname": "Taker",
                "tests": [
                        "token": "123456",
                        "test": "Oral Proficiency Assessment",
                        "status": "completed",
                        "token_issuer": "Test HR",
                        "test_category": "Pre-Employment Assessment",
                        "security_check": true,
                        "test_score": 50,
                        "global_cefr": null,
                        "test_cefr": "B2",
                        "test_level": "Upper Intermediate",
                        "complete_date": "2022-02-02 02:00:00",
                        "login_date": "2022-02-02 00:00:00",
                        "assign_date": "2022-02-01 00:00:00",
                        "reports": {
                            "rationale": "Test Taker can articulate mostly simple and more developed grammatical structures but is still prone to making some errors in complex tasks requiring more sophisticated constructions. The response uses a sizable range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to a business profession and most general topics, including a few more abstract concepts. He can vary words to avoid repetition. Word choice is appropriate. . Intonation and connected speech are usually appropriate, yet speech may stall unnaturally. He demonstrates good fluency with simple connected sentences and appropriate self-correction. He is also able to support opinions most of the time with appropriate word choice and sentence structure. Responses answer the required communicative tasks. He demonstrates familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication strategies (e.g. appropriate tone and register, choice justification, providing examples) and familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances.",
                            "global_description": "The candidate at  has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants.",
                            "statements": {
                                "1": {
                                    "title": "Speaking Global Description",
                                    "description": "The candidate at LEVEL 4 has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants."
                                "2": {
                                    "title": "Overall Spoken Communication",
                                    "description": "Can participate in extended spontaneous interactions/conversations, expressing ideas clearly and with appropriate support. Can independently give a presentation on a familiar topic and answer related questions at the end. Can talk about personal and career experiences and how they relate to broader subjects."
                                "3": {
                                    "title": "Interactional Listening Ability",
                                    "description": "Can participate in most conversations effectively, but may encounter some listening interference when language is strongly idiomatic, phrasal verbs are frequent, and/or multiple participants are involved in an animated discussion."
                                "4": {
                                    "title": "Pronunciation",
                                    "description": "Can generally speak clearly, with very good pronunciation, but low-frequency, unfamiliar words may still be mispronounced to a degree where the listener may ask for repetition or clarification. Has plenty of familiarity with common, phonetically similar constructions in English and can independently work out the pronunciation of new words from previous, similar constructions."
                                "5": {
                                    "title": "Fluency",
                                    "description": "Can articulate and connect complex phrases naturally and with confidence. Can speak with appropriate stress and timing. Frequently uses repair utterances (\"uh\", \"um\", \"em\", \"hmmm\") very similar to a native speaker, allowing time for thought."
                                "6": {
                                    "title": "Grammatical Accuracy",
                                    "description": "Can articulate many complex sentences or common phrases with very few errors, but is prone to making some errors when distracted, especially with phrasal verbs and complex mixtures of tenses."
                                "7": {
                                    "title": "Vocabulary Range",
                                    "description": "Has a good range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to his or her profession and most general topics, including more abstract concepts. Can vary words to avoid repetition, but lexical holes may still cause hesitation and using many words in the place of a more appropriate one or avoiding the word altogether."
                                "8": {
                                    "title": "Communication Strategies",
                                    "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of common communication patterns (e.g. turn taking in one-to-one situations, silences, interjections) and strategic approaches (e.g. clarifying questions, repair utterances, describing an unknown word)."
                                "9": {
                                    "title": "Sociocultural Competency",
                                    "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances (e.g. good knowledge of the most well-known historical occurrences, some popular current events, predominant figures, cultural practices, and surface understanding of some cultural values)."
                                "10": {
                                    "title": "Workplace Communication Strategies",
                                    "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication patterns (e.g. using different registers when speaking to supervisor/colleague/client, relaying detailed instructions or messages, the organization of business meetings) and strategic approaches (e.g. using examples and support for ideas in negotiation or presentations, using professional terminology, agreeing/disagreeing constructively)."


  • reports boolean
    Adayın sonuçlarının yanı sıra raporlarını ve ifadelerini de çağırır
    Varsayılan: false

Bu metotla e-mail adresi ile aday bazlı veri çekilebilmektedir. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

    "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetCandidateByEmail",
    "login": true,
    "issuer": "TEST COMPANY",
    "ID": "*******1234",
    "name": "Test",
    "lastname": "Taker",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "tests": [
            "token": "123456",
            "test": "Oral Proficiency Assessment",
            "status": "completed",
            "token_issuer": "Test HR",
            "test_category": "Pre-Employment Assessment",
            "security_check": true,
            "test_score": 50,
            "global_cefr": null,
            "test_cefr": "B2",
            "test_level": "Upper Intermediate",
            "complete_date": "2022-02-02 02:00:00",
            "login_date": "2022-02-02 00:00:00",
            "assign_date": "2022-02-01 00:00:00",
            "reports": {
                "rationale": "Test Taker  can articulate mostly simple and more developed grammatical structures but is still prone to making some errors in complex tasks requiring more sophisticated constructions. The response uses a sizable range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to a business profession and most general topics, including a few more abstract concepts. He can vary words to avoid repetition. Word choice is appropriate. . Intonation and connected speech are usually appropriate, yet speech may stall unnaturally. He demonstrates good fluency with simple connected sentences and appropriate self-correction. He is also able to support opinions most of the time with appropriate word choice and sentence structure. Responses answer the required communicative tasks. He demonstrates familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication strategies (e.g. appropriate tone and register, choice justification, providing examples) and familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances.",
                "global_description": "The candidate at  has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants.",
                "statements": {
                    "1": {
                        "title": "Speaking Global Description",
                        "description": "The candidate at LEVEL 4 has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants."
                    "2": {
                        "title": "Overall Spoken Communication",
                        "description": "Can participate in extended spontaneous interactions/conversations, expressing ideas clearly and with appropriate support. Can independently give a presentation on a familiar topic and answer related questions at the end. Can talk about personal and career experiences and how they relate to broader subjects."
                    "3": {
                        "title": "Interactional Listening Ability",
                        "description": "Can participate in most conversations effectively, but may encounter some listening interference when language is strongly idiomatic, phrasal verbs are frequent, and/or multiple participants are involved in an animated discussion."
                    "4": {
                        "title": "Pronunciation",
                        "description": "Can generally speak clearly, with very good pronunciation, but low-frequency, unfamiliar words may still be mispronounced to a degree where the listener may ask for repetition or clarification. Has plenty of familiarity with common, phonetically similar constructions in English and can independently work out the pronunciation of new words from previous, similar constructions."
                    "5": {
                        "title": "Fluency",
                        "description": "Can articulate and connect complex phrases naturally and with confidence. Can speak with appropriate stress and timing. Frequently uses repair utterances (\"uh\", \"um\", \"em\", \"hmmm\") very similar to a native speaker, allowing time for thought."
                    "6": {
                        "title": "Grammatical Accuracy",
                        "description": "Can articulate many complex sentences or common phrases with very few errors, but is prone to making some errors when distracted, especially with phrasal verbs and complex mixtures of tenses."
                    "7": {
                        "title": "Vocabulary Range",
                        "description": "Has a good range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to his or her profession and most general topics, including more abstract concepts. Can vary words to avoid repetition, but lexical holes may still cause hesitation and using many words in the place of a more appropriate one or avoiding the word altogether."
                    "8": {
                        "title": "Communication Strategies",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of common communication patterns (e.g. turn taking in one-to-one situations, silences, interjections) and strategic approaches (e.g. clarifying questions, repair utterances, describing an unknown word)."
                    "9": {
                        "title": "Sociocultural Competency",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances (e.g. good knowledge of the most well-known historical occurrences, some popular current events, predominant figures, cultural practices, and surface understanding of some cultural values)."
                    "10": {
                        "title": "Workplace Communication Strategies",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication patterns (e.g. using different registers when speaking to supervisor/colleague/client, relaying detailed instructions or messages, the organization of business meetings) and strategic approaches (e.g. using examples and support for ideas in negotiation or presentations, using professional terminology, agreeing/disagreeing constructively)."


  • reports boolean
    Adayın sonuçlarının yanı sıra raporlarını ve ifadelerini de çağırır
    Varsayılan: false

Bu metotla belirtilen Test Token'a ait test durumu bilgileri gelir. Testin anlık durumunu, adayın bilgileri ve test sonucuyla ilgili durum kontrolünü yapmak için bu metot kullanılabilir. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

    "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetTestByToken",
    "login": true,
    "token": "123456",
    "tests": [
            "token": "123456",
            "test": "Oral Proficiency Assessment",
            "status": "completed",
            "token_issuer": "Test HR",
            "test_category": "Pre-Employment Assessment",
            "security_check": true,
            "test_score": 50,
            "global_cefr": null,
            "test_cefr": "B2",
            "test_level": "Upper Intermediate",
            "complete_date": "2022-02-02 02:00:00",
            "login_date": "2022-02-02 00:00:00",
            "assign_date": "2022-02-01 00:00:00",
            "reports": {
                "rationale": "Test Taker  can articulate mostly simple and more developed grammatical structures but is still prone to making some errors in complex tasks requiring more sophisticated constructions. The response uses a sizable range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to a business profession and most general topics, including a few more abstract concepts. He can vary words to avoid repetition. Word choice is appropriate. . Intonation and connected speech are usually appropriate, yet speech may stall unnaturally. He demonstrates good fluency with simple connected sentences and appropriate self-correction. He is also able to support opinions most of the time with appropriate word choice and sentence structure. Responses answer the required communicative tasks. He demonstrates familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication strategies (e.g. appropriate tone and register, choice justification, providing examples) and familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances.",
                "global_description": "The candidate at  has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants.",
                "statements": {
                    "1": {
                        "title": "Speaking Global Description",
                        "description": "The candidate at LEVEL 4 has moderate spoken communication skills, which may contain only a very few pronunciation and/or grammatical errors that do not hinder the speaker's ability to convey information. The candidate can participate in spontaneous extended conversations, give presentations on familiar topics, answer anticipated questions, and pass on messages. The candidate can sustain regular interactions on a range of topics, making clear connections between ideas and support for their ideas, without strain on themselves or the other participants."
                    "2": {
                        "title": "Overall Spoken Communication",
                        "description": "Can participate in extended spontaneous interactions/conversations, expressing ideas clearly and with appropriate support. Can independently give a presentation on a familiar topic and answer related questions at the end. Can talk about personal and career experiences and how they relate to broader subjects."
                    "3": {
                        "title": "Interactional Listening Ability",
                        "description": "Can participate in most conversations effectively, but may encounter some listening interference when language is strongly idiomatic, phrasal verbs are frequent, and/or multiple participants are involved in an animated discussion."
                    "4": {
                        "title": "Pronunciation",
                        "description": "Can generally speak clearly, with very good pronunciation, but low-frequency, unfamiliar words may still be mispronounced to a degree where the listener may ask for repetition or clarification. Has plenty of familiarity with common, phonetically similar constructions in English and can independently work out the pronunciation of new words from previous, similar constructions."
                    "5": {
                        "title": "Fluency",
                        "description": "Can articulate and connect complex phrases naturally and with confidence. Can speak with appropriate stress and timing. Frequently uses repair utterances (\"uh\", \"um\", \"em\", \"hmmm\") very similar to a native speaker, allowing time for thought."
                    "6": {
                        "title": "Grammatical Accuracy",
                        "description": "Can articulate many complex sentences or common phrases with very few errors, but is prone to making some errors when distracted, especially with phrasal verbs and complex mixtures of tenses."
                    "7": {
                        "title": "Vocabulary Range",
                        "description": "Has a good range of vocabulary for subjects corresponding to his or her profession and most general topics, including more abstract concepts. Can vary words to avoid repetition, but lexical holes may still cause hesitation and using many words in the place of a more appropriate one or avoiding the word altogether."
                    "8": {
                        "title": "Communication Strategies",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of common communication patterns (e.g. turn taking in one-to-one situations, silences, interjections) and strategic approaches (e.g. clarifying questions, repair utterances, describing an unknown word)."
                    "9": {
                        "title": "Sociocultural Competency",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity of, or sensitivity to, relevant cultural subject matters and circumstances (e.g. good knowledge of the most well-known historical occurrences, some popular current events, predominant figures, cultural practices, and surface understanding of some cultural values)."
                    "10": {
                        "title": "Workplace Communication Strategies",
                        "description": "Demonstrates sufficient familiarity or understanding of spoken formal workplace communication patterns (e.g. using different registers when speaking to supervisor/colleague/client, relaying detailed instructions or messages, the organization of business meetings) and strategic approaches (e.g. using examples and support for ideas in negotiation or presentations, using professional terminology, agreeing/disagreeing constructively)."


Bu metotla CEPA Test seviyelerini listeleyebilirsiniz.

    "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetTests",
    "login": true,
    "tests": {
        "Reading & Listening Comprehension Assessment": {
            "id": 1,
            "available_token": 1000,
            "used_tokens": 1000,
            "categories": {
                "General Employee Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 800
                "Pre-Employment Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 100
        "Oral Proficiency Assessment": {
            "id": 3,
            "available_token": 1000,
            "used_tokens": 1000,
            "categories": {
                "General Employee Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 800
                "Pre-Employment Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 100
        "Writing Communication Assessment": {
            "id": 4,
            "available_token": 1000,
            "used_tokens": 1000,
            "categories": {
                "General Employee Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 800
                "Pre-Employment Assessments": {
                    "completed_tests": 100



  • token int64

Bu metotla seçilen Test Token testi tamamlandıysa global ve assessment raporlarını PDF dosyası oluşturacak şekilde base64 encoded olarak getirmekteir. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

 "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetSingleResultByPDF",
    "login": true,
    "token": "123456",
    "mime": "application/pdf",
    "file": "123456-Test-Taker-Oral-Proficiency-Assessment-Score-Report.pdf",
    "size": 12345,


   "request": "GET",
   "method": "GetOverallResultByEmail",
   "login": true,
   "email": "[email protected]",
   "test_issuer": "BRITISH SIDE",
   "name": "John",
   "lastname": "Lennon",
   "registration_date": "2021-10-17 17:14:30",
   "groups": [
           "id": "1234",
           "score": 56.3,
           "cefr": "B2+",
           "cefr_level": "Advance Low",
           "assign_date": "2022-08-23 16:06:08",
           "tests": [
                   "token": "123456",
                   "test_mode": "1",
                   "test_name": "Reading & Listening",
                   "test_score": "71.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B2+",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Advance Low",
                   "complete_date": "2022-09-02 13:04:05"
                   "token": "123457",
                   "test_mode": "3",
                   "test_name": "Speaking",
                   "test_score": "49.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B2",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Upper Intermediate",
                   "complete_date": "2022-09-06 15:33:32"
                   "token": "123458",
                   "test_mode": "4",
                   "test_name": "Writing",
                   "test_score": "49.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B2",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Upper Intermediate",
                   "complete_date": "2022-09-03 15:13:54"
           "id": "1235",
           "score": 35.7,
           "cefr": "B1+",
           "cefr_level": "Intermediate",
           "assign_date": "2021-09-13 18:29:12",
           "tests": [
                   "token": "123459",
                   "test_mode": "1",
                   "test_name": "Reading & Listening",
                   "test_score": "35.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B1+",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Intermediate",
                   "complete_date": "2021-10-18 00:08:22"
                   "token": "123460",
                   "test_mode": "3",
                   "test_name": "Speaking",
                   "test_score": "35.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B1+",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Intermediate",
                   "complete_date": "2021-10-17 17:58:55"
                   "token": "123461",
                   "test_mode": "4",
                   "test_name": "Writing",
                   "test_score": "37.0",
                   "test_cefr": "B1+",
                   "test_cefr_level": "Intermediate",
                   "complete_date": "2021-10-17 19:16:42"


  • email string
  • overall_id int64

Bu metotla seçilen e-posta adresine kayıtlı adaya ait Overall Rapor oluşturulmaktadır. Opsiyonel olarak overall_id kullanılması halinde overall_id ile gruplanmış testleri getirecektir. PDF dosyası oluşturacak şekilde base64 encoded olarak getirmektedir. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

    "request": "GET",
    "method": "GetOverallResultByPDF",
    "login": true,
    "token": "[email protected]",
    "mime": "application/pdf",
    "file": "Test-Taker-Overall-Score-Report.pdf",
    "size": 12345,


  • email string
  • template_id int64


  • email string
  • test_type int64
    Adaya tüm testlerin gönderilmesi isteniyorsa '0' olarak gönderilmelidir.
  • template_id int64
  • send_email boolean
  • name string
  • lastname string
  • start_date datetime
  • end_date datetime
  • issuer_email string
  • test_category int64
  • notes string

Bu metotla kullanılabir test tokenları sorgulanarak belirtilen adaya tek test modülü atamsı yapılır. Döndürülen verilerin detaylı tablosu aşağıdaki gibidir:

    "request": "POST",
    "method": "AssignTestByEmail",
    "login": true,
    "token": "123456",
    "test_name": "Oral Proficiency Assessment",
    "assign": "success",
    "invitation_email": "success"